Halloween 2011 - The NYC Costume Trip Exhibition

So last year was kinda crazy. I was insanely lucky to be brought along on one of Jeff and Pete's roller coaster rides. This one took us to the Big Apple. NYC to shoot the one and only NYC Costume Trip Photo Book. It was my first time touching down in the greatest city on earth when the mayhem started. We flew in first class, and everything after that was far from it. We bombed every dive bar/restaurant/take out joint/pizza place/coffee shop/back alley/public park we could find. The sky was the limit, and after getting a photo in the cockpit of a passenger jet we didn't seem too far from it.

Halloween of 2011, you will live in our hearts, our minds, and on our coffee tables.

Here are the photos of the resulting exhibition we had in Vancouver where we sold a bunch of books, prints and signed our absurd dignity away. Enjoy the NYC Costume Trip love...

To purchase your very own copy of NYC Costume Trip click here

Le Movember Show! Exhibition

Le Movember Show is a fundrasing exhibition I am involved in to support Prostate Cancer Canada. Here is the background story behind the mo month; The idea for Movember was sparked in 2003 over a few beers in Melbourne, Australia.  The plan was simple – to bring the moustache back as a bit of a joke and do something for men’s health. No money was raised in 2003, but the guys behind the Mo realized the potential a moustache had in generating conversations about men’s health.  Inspired by the women around them and all they had done for breast cancer, the Mo Bros set themselves on a course to create a global men’s health movement.

In 2004 the campaign evolved and focused on raising awareness and funds for the number one cancer affecting men – prostate cancer. 432 Mo Bros joined the movement that year, raising $55,000 for the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia - representing the single largest donation they had ever received.

The Movember moustache has continued to grow year after year, expanding to Canada, the US, UK, New Zealand, Ireland, Spain, South Africa, the Netherlands and Finland. In 2009, global participation of Mo Bros and Mo Sistas climbed to 255,755, with over one million donors raising $47 Million for Movember’s global beneficiary partners.

- Movember Canada

So come down and check out the incredible art work on show if you are in Van City :) It's at the Ayden Gallery in Tinseltown until the 12th of December.

Cheers dt.